Data Collecting of Area Sampling Framework (Kerangka Sampel Area/KSA) begin!
January 25, 2018 | BPS Activities
Good morning.
Data collection of Area Sampling Framework (KSA) conducted in all regions in Indonesia, including in Kubu Raya Regency. KSA is conducted in collaboration with the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) with the aim to generate more objective, accurate, and timely data of rice harvest using an android based application by utilizing GPS so as to suppress moral hazard and error.
KSA data collection in Kubu Raya Regency itself is done in 87 segments spread across 9 subdistricts. The data are collected on the last seven days of each month so that the 1st through the 5th of the following month, the data on harvested area can be processed and tabulated.