Presentation of 2018 Village Potential Survey and Socialization of Population Census 2020 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kubu Raya Regency

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Presentation of 2018 Village Potential Survey and Socialization of Population Census 2020

Presentation of 2018 Village Potential Survey and Socialization of Population Census 2020

October 30, 2019 | Other Activities

Village Potential Data Collection (Podes) has been carried out since 1980 in conjunction with the implementation of the 1980 Population Census. Since then, Podes have been carried out routinely 3 (three) times in ten years to support the activities of the Population Census, Agricultural Census and Economic Census. In 2020 there will be a POPULATION CENSUS (SP2020), so that in 2018 Podes will be collected to determine the availability of infrastructure and the potential of each region. Thus, important facts related to the availability of infrastructure and the potential of each region can be monitored regularly and continuously. One result of the Podes data collection is the Geographical Difficulty Index (IKG).

On Wednesday, October 30, 2019, a presentation on the results of Podes 2018 at the Kubu Raya District BPS was carried out. The event was opened by Mr. Agus Salim, SE. ME as the Head of the Social Statistics Section of the Central Statistics Agency of the Kubu Raya Regency who handles this section of Podes. Furthermore, the results of 2018 Podes were presented directly by the Head of BPS of Kubu Raya Regency, Mr. Ir. Anton Manurung, MM. In addition to the presentation of the results of Podes 2018, Mr. Ir. Anton Manurung, MM. also explained the Socialization of Population Census 2020 (SP2020) to all invited Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) in Kubu Raya Regency who were present to participate in the success of SP2020.


Let's succeed the Population Census of 2020 ... !!

#SP2020 #BPSKalbar #BPSKabKubuRaya #NotedIndonesia

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