January 25, 2018 | Other Activities
Do you know if Statistics of Kubu Raya Regency had a website on https://kuburayakab.bps.go.id ? Its contents are various like data tables, dynamic tables, publications, and also infographics that will make you keep up-to-date with recent conditions.😁
For you who already visited, there is something different, isn't there? That is because since December 13, 2017 we had officially released a new website version 4.0.
Q: What is the differences?
A: Not much, one of them is sign-in feature addition to download publication files.
A: Because we want to know more about our customers and manage a better relationship between us.
Q: How we do it?
A: Relax, we already prepared an infographics to help you. Just check the steps needed in the picture.
*Source: Mukhlis (Statistics of Way Kanan Regency) with changes
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Kubu RayaJl. Supadio Km 19
5 Sungai Raya
Telp (0561) 724189
Faks (0561) 724189
Mailbox: bps6112@bps.go.id
Website : http://kuburayakab.bps.go.id
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